Sunday, 12 November 2006

Handstands and today

I love handstands, well until my legs (hamstring tendons) are better at least.

Today i trained in leicester although i couldn't do much i managed a few cat to cats and we found some ok scaffolding with 2 massive laches on I managed to do one of them but Jin bitched them both. we were also shown the routine done in Hells night and dont look forward to going down and trying it although i will do soon.

Anyway Jin mentioned a book about handstands written in the 40s/50s and i got him to send me the eBook version (you dont have to read them, you can just scroll through and look at the pictures):

Volume 1 (basics)

Volume 2 (average to insane):

At the moment i am just playing about with the ideas mentioned in these but i plan to produce a video called 'The art of Handstands Vol. 1' which will feature quite a lot of these handbalances in.

thats enough for now anyway, got physio tomorrow lets hope its positive :)



Julian said...

safe matey looking forward to seeing the handstand vid,

Anonymous said...

Hello :) Im just wondering if u ever have the time, could you come and teach me and my friends some stuff :) i know some of it but it would be good to learn more. Thanks